- Chart.js
- 入门指南
- 入门
- 安装
- 集成
- 分步指南
- 概览
- 可访问性(Accessibility)
- 颜色(Colors)
- 数据结构(Data structures)
- 字体(Fonts)
- 选项(Options)
- 内边距(Padding)
- 性能(Performance)
- 图表配置
- 配置(Configuration)
- 动画(Animations)
- 画布背景(Canvas background)
- 数据抽取(Data Decimation)
- 设备像素比率(Device Pixel Ratio)
- 通用配置(Elements)
- 互动(Interactions)
- 布局(Layout)
- 图例(Legend)
- 本地化(Locale)
- 响应式图表(Responsive Charts)
- 副标题(Subtitle)
- 标题(Title)
- 提示(Tooltip)
- Charts
- 面积图(Area Chart)
- 柱状/条形图(Bar Chart)
- 气泡图(Bubble Chart)
- 环形&饼图(Doughnut and Pie Charts)
- 折线图(Line Chart)
- 混合图表(Mixed Chart Types)
- 极地图(Polar Area Chart)
- 雷达图(Radar Chart)
- 离散图(Scatter Chart)
- 坐标轴
- 轴(Axes)
- 笛卡尔坐标(Cartesian)
- 笛卡尔坐标轴(Cartesian Axes)
- 分类轴(Category Axis)
- 线性轴(Linear Axis)
- 对数轴(Logarithmic Axis)
- 时间笛卡尔轴(Time Cartesian Axis)
- 时间序列轴(Time Series Axis)
- 径向(Radial)
- 径向轴(Radial Axes)
- 线性径向轴(Linear Radial Axis)
- 标签轴(Labelling Axes)
- 样式(Styling)
- 开发者
- 开发者(Developers)
- Chart.js API
- 坐标轴扩展
- 图表扩展
- 贡献
- 插件
- 发布扩展
- 更新 Charts
- 迁移
- 4.x迁移指南
- 3.x迁移指南
- 示例
- Chart.js Samples
- Bar Charts
- Bar Chart Border Radius
- Floating Bars
- Horizontal Bar Chart
- Stacked Bar Chart
- Stacked Bar Chart with Groups
- Vertical Bar Chart
- Line Charts
- Interpolation Modes
- Line Chart
- Multi Axis Line Chart
- Point Styling
- Line Segment Styling
- Stepped Line Charts
- Line Styling
- Other charts
- Bubble
- Combo bar/line
- Doughnut
- Multi Series Pie
- Pie
- Polar area
- Polar area centered point labels
- Radar
- Radar skip points
- Scatter
- Scatter - Multi axis
- Stacked bar/line
- Area charts
- Line Chart Boundaries
- Line Chart Datasets
- Line Chart drawTime
- Line Chart Stacked
- Radar Chart Stacked
- Scales
- Linear Scale - Min-Max
- Linear Scale - Suggested Min-Max
- Linear Scale - Step Size
- Log Scale
- Stacked Linear / Category
- Time Scale
- Time Scale - Max Span
- Time Scale - Combo Chart
- Scale Options
- Center Positioning
- Grid Configuration
- Tick Configuration
- Title Configuration
- Legend
- Events
- HTML Legend
- Point Style
- Position
- Alignment and Title Position
- Title
- Alignment
- Subtitle
- Basic
- Tooltip
- Custom Tooltip Content
- External HTML Tooltip
- Interaction Modes
- Point Style
- Position
- Scriptable Options
- Bar Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Polar Area Chart
- Radar Chart
- Animations
- Delay
- Drop
- Loop
- Progressive Line
- Progressive Line With Easing
- Advanced
- Data Decimation
- Derived Axis Type
- Derived Chart Type
- Linear Gradient
- Programmatic Event Triggers
- Animation Progress Bar
- Radial Gradient
- Plugins
- Chart Area Border
- Doughnut Empty State
- Quadrants
- Utils