Sass 简介
Sass 安装
Sass 变量
Sass Nested Rules and Properties
Sass @import and Partials
Sass @mixin and @include
Sass @extend and Inheritance
Sass 函数
Sass String
Sass Numeric
Sass List
Sass Map
Sass Selector
Sass Introspection
Sass Color
Sass 安装 - SASS基础教程 - 笔下光年
Sass 安装
## System Requirements for Sass - Operating system - Sass is platform independent - Browser support - Sass works in Edge/IE (from IE 8), Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera - Programming language - Sass is based on Ruby ## Official Sass Web Site Read more about Sass at the official Sass web site: ## Install Sass There are several ways to install Sass in your system. There are many applications that will get you up and running with Sass in a few minutes for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Some of these are free, but some are paid apps. You can read more about them here: []( "")
Sass 简介
Sass 变量