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SQL Truncate Table
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SQL Truncate Table - SQL基础教程 - 笔下光年
SQL Truncate Table
In this tutorial you will learn how to quickly delete all rows from a table using SQL. ## Removing Table Data The TRUNCATE TABLE statement removes all the rows from a table more quickly than a DELETE. Logically, TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to the DELETE statement with no WHERE clause. The TRUNCATE TABLE statement removes all the rows from a table, but the table structure and its columns, constraints, indexes, and so on remain intact. To remove the table definition in addition to its data, you can use the DROP TABLE statement. ## Syntax The basic syntax of TRUNCATE TABLE can be given with: ```sql TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; ``` Let's perform the truncate operation on a database table. Consider we've an employees table in our database with the following records: ```sql +--------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+ | emp_id | emp_name | hire_date | salary | dept_id | +--------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+ | 1 | Ethan Hunt | 2001-05-01 | 5000 | 4 | | 2 | Tony Montana | 2002-07-15 | 6500 | 1 | | 3 | Sarah Connor | 2005-10-18 | 8000 | 5 | | 4 | Rick Deckard | 2007-01-03 | 7200 | 3 | | 5 | Martin Blank | 2008-06-24 | 5600 | NULL | +--------+--------------+------------+--------+---------+ ``` The following command removes all the rows from the employees table: ```sql TRUNCATE TABLE employees; ``` Now, after executing the above SQL statement, if you try to select the records from the employees table, you will get an empty result set. ## TRUNCATE TABLE vs DELETE Although `DELETE` and `TRUNCATE TABLE` seem to have the same effect, but they do work differently. Here are some major differences between these two statements: - `TRUNCATE TABLE` statement drop and re-create the table in such a way that any auto-increment value is reset to its start value which is generally 1. - `DELETE` lets you filter which rows to be deleted based upon an optional `WHERE` clause, whereas `TRUNCATE TABLE` doesn't support `WHERE` clause it just removes all the rows. - `TRUNCATE TABLE` is faster and uses fewer system resources than `DELETE`, because `DELETE` scans the table to generate a count of rows that were affected then delete the rows one by one and records an entry in the database log for each deleted row, while `TRUNCATE TABLE` just delete all the rows without providing any additional information. <div class="callout callout-success mb-3">Tip: Use TRUNCATE TABLE if you just want to delete all the rows and re-create the whole table. Use DELETE either if you want to delete limited number of rows based on specific condition or you don't want to reset the auto-increment value.</div>
SQL Delete
SQL Drop